Physics applied to the detection of astroparticles and intelligent systems

Copyright Edward Berbee/Nikhef

Main research line

The group’s line of research aligns the design and development of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms from the perspective of computational neuroscience with the detection and analysis of astroparticles to advance knowledge in particle physics and astrophysics. From the synergies between these disciplines, our goal is to improve the resolution and reliability with which we detect cosmic neutrinos, which are astroparticles that reach Earth from the far reaches of the universe. Specifically, we seek to improve the inference of their properties (reconstruction) from the photoelectric and acoustic signals recorded by the two underwater telescopes designed, assembled and maintained by the international KM3NeT collaboration, of which our group is part.

Research Line manager

Research team

Carlos Alberto Quiroz Rangel


Carlos David Llorens Alvarez


Antiguos miembros del equipo

Harold Yepes Ramírez


Juan Antonio Martínez Mora
