Digitalization in Agriculture to Improve Crops


Jaime Lloret and Sandra Sendra, from Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), head “Smart edge cOmputing in Heterogeneous wireLess sensor networks for precision agricUlture and DigiTal FarmIng DisseminatiON (SOLUTION)”. This is a subproject included in an ambitious coordinated project, “Woody Crop Observatory: Smart, sustainable, and competitive digital farming for farmers, researchers, consumers, and educational community (AGRICULTURE 6.0)”, which aims to develop a monitoring platform and digitalization of agriculture as an observatory for woody crops, to achieve the sustainability and competitiveness of the sector and move the primary production process closer to the digital society.

To achieve this objective, two other entities have come together -the University of Valencia (UV) and the Madrid Institute for Rural, Agrarian and Food Research and Development (IMIDRA)- which, like the UPV, stand out for their experience in similar projects and in their knowledge of the industry.

The project is funded by the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research for the period 2021-2023. AGRICULTURE 6.0 has a budget of 654,235 euros (267,950 euros of this will be allocated to the SOLUTION subproject).